Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Free From Pain Without Drugs?

In 2002 on a Friday night in January, heading for a dinner out, my dear friend and I conversed in her car going down a country road. At the up coming T in the road I saw a car approaching and it didn't look like it was going to stop. I said aloud, "Its not stopping. J.C. the car is not going to stop! I braced myself like a mighty fortress as I knew we would be hit. We were and my head went into the windshield and from that time forward I had a headache 95% of the time. From then on I took tylenol 3 and and a over the counter pain med. This regimen of drugs went on for 18 months. Being uninsured I discovered that medical world was not jumping to help me, though 7,000 dollars in MRI's were done only to tell me not much could be done to help me since a bone in my neck was chipped and there was pressing on my spine when swollen. By the 18th month of this I ask my Creator to please intervene as a life of one constant headache that put me in bed 3 days a week was no way to live. 
One doctor told me to stop the T3 as it will cause serious problems in my kidney and liver. That same week I went to dinner with dear friends who gave me some juice that was to help eliminate pain. I drank 4 ounces of it and sure enough, that night I had some relief, though I was still on the T3 and Ad...l. They said drink 4 oz. every day and see what happens. In 7 days I was not having headaches. I saw my doctor and told him. He just said, keep drinking this if it helps. 
I share this with you because millions of people are using drugs to cope with pain. The non conventional methods seem strange to baby boomers who have grown up with "see the doctor and get a pill" The idea of a fruit juice having the ability to heal is as far out as space, and many will never try it for "fear of side of effects"
That is funny isn't it? We all know about the reported side effect list that is on t.v. for prescriptions, and over the counter medications, yet, fruits that grow on trees naturally we will fear. Why is this? Why do we fear what is natural? 
If I had not experienced the results of being pain free for many years from just a natural fruit, I probably would still be living in the skeptics camp. If I had not had such persistent pain, I probably would not have spent the money on the fruit juice either, even though it was still cheaper than some of the medications I would take.

I would love to hear of your life experience of being Free From Pain Without Drugs. Lets undo the brainwashing of our age and see other options for pain besides the conventional.

To a life you love, Kathy 

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